Camping, Backpacking and Hiking

The finest hotels are outdoors, the finest restaurants are close to the ocean or at the top of a mountain peak. People always choose to be part of the outdoors and spend time outside!  Camping is one way to be close amongst nature.

Going out camping, backpacking or hiking is not as easy as it sounds! Yes, you can pack your bag and hit the road but there is more to it than just that!  It’s important to be informed and educated on what’s needed to go outside and have an outdoor experience. From Weather conditions to other necessary precautions, it is always advisable to be caution so you can assure a wonderful experience; especially if you are going out as a family, with friends or some co-workers! ip can easily turn into a dangerous adventure.

All outdoor activities are good for your health and well being in general. They boost your immune system by breathing in an amazing amount of clean air before you head back to the city, plus being an escape from your daily routine! Think about it; you get up in the morning and enjoy your breakfast and you go to work; at night you get ready for the next day and so on! Very repetitive! Hence, why exploring new things such as hiking, mountaineering, campaign is an awesome idea!

There are some amazing resources online these days to get more info on the gear needed, the locations that you will be traveling to and the people you will meet. The National Park Services have an astonishing resources available to the general population. You can simply go to their website and have all the answers! We strongly recommend that you travel, hike or camp with a companion! Your wife, child, friend or your office co-workers. This will ensure that you both look after each other in case of emergencies. If you like to head outdoors alone please make sure that you have solar power, a satellite phone (Sometimes regular phones don’t get any reception while in the wild) First Aid kit, Food, Water (Even though there is plenty of water in the wild (This is why it is important to the check the Park services to let you know if the water is safe to drink and is not contaminated.

If you manage to be well prepared, your outdoor adventure will sure be enjoyable and relaxing.

Do not leave the house without these camping, hiking and backpacking essentials!

  • Sleeping bag

If you don;t want to wake up very stiff in the morning, please pack a comfortable sleeping bag. Although in theory you can sleep anywhere if tired but a sleeping bag will ensure that you are well rested and ready for the next day! There are many affordable sleeping bags that will match any budget or you can simply make one! (You can watch some YouTube channels on HOW TO)

  • Camping light

MUST HAVE LIGHT; the moon is not always lighting the path if you get caught by the dark trying to find a campsite! It’s important to have a very soft light that doesn’t disturb the wildlife while you’re looking for an area to settle for the night!  There are some amazing LED flashlightsthat you can get at any local hardware store that works for all kind of outdoor activities! Once you are in your tent you can hang is as a lantern! We usually use a solar panel that charges all our electronic devices and acts as a lantern and a flashlight at the same time! Just browse online for a specific one that will match your budget and what you are trying to do!

  • Axe, shovel and a knife

We cannot stress how important it is to have an outdoor knife! We have seen so many videos on some amazing campers surviving in the wild with just a knife; Collecting firewood, building a shelter, pulling water out of the trees, making fire, finding food etc!

A shovel is needed for digging a canal around the tent so that it prevents water (In case of rain from flooding the tent). Although it is a convenient tool, you can manage to dig a small canal with the help of an axe or a sharp stone. Depending on the ground type, shovel is either a convenience or a necessity

  • Water bottle or storage

It is necessary to carry at least a water bottle since your water source can be miles away from your campsite (You never know). You have to keep hydrated! If you are not sure if the water source is safe to drink, either you get it and boil it back at the campsite or you can buy a small camping water purification filters that you can carry with you along your water bottle etc.

Hope this article helped you come up with ideas to make your outdoor adventure more enjoyable! Happy camping!